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We hope that you and your children will enjoy our eco-friendly books.

Because reading is one of the most beautiful and important things we can share with our children!

That’s why we want to continue our engagement in fantastic stories that will inspire and encourage your children, as well as thinking of a healthy earth!

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This months reward Valid for all reviews (which we know of) from now until the 31 july 2019

HEXBUG 503005 – Aquabot 2.0

The robotic animals go swimming – almost like real fish. The “smart fish technology” with electromagnetic pulses provides plenty of drive.

SMART-FISH TECHNOLOGY: HEXBUG Aquabot 2.0 – the fish robots with hi-tech sensors, bright pulsing LEDs and “smart fish technology”, which makes the aquabots even more realistic and fascinating to glide through the water. The fish swap up or down and constantly change their swimming direction.

WATER SENSOR: A water sensor activates the aquabots as soon as they are placed in an aquarium or water basin.

REST MODE: After 5 minutes, the Aquabots fall into the battery-saving sleep mode. A tap on the aquarium or the water surface is enough to wake up the floating robot animals again.

DIFFERENT COLORS: HEXBUG Aquabots are available in different colors. A random color will be delivered.

Ein Fisch für Harmish ist ein wunderbar humorvolles Buch mit Frau Dorsch, der Katze Hamish und Fischgerichten mit Nebenwirkungen…Wir sind begeistert und haben uns schlapp gelacht. Ein wunderbar leichtes, erfrischendes, lustiges Buch mir sehr schönen Illustrationen. Wir werden es immer wieder in die Hand nehmen, anschauen und lesen. … Einfach nur super!
