
What have dinosaurs and children in common?

Darcy and the Dinosaurs by Nicole Madigan

Enjoy Darcy’s adventure of a lifetime and you’ll know it!!!

If you or your kid is into dinosaurs, adventures or time machines, this awesome illustrated children book is for you!

Have a look at the book Darcy and the Dinosaurs here

Ein Fisch für Harmish ist ein wunderbar humorvolles Buch mit Frau Dorsch, der Katze Hamish und Fischgerichten mit Nebenwirkungen…Wir sind begeistert und haben uns schlapp gelacht. Ein wunderbar leichtes, erfrischendes, lustiges Buch mir sehr schönen Illustrationen. Wir werden es immer wieder in die Hand nehmen, anschauen und lesen. … Einfach nur super!


Book of the Month Willow Willpower by Sarah Cannata

Willow Willpower by Sarah Cannata

Willow Willpower has big dreams...

…ever since she can remember, she’s dreamt of flying high in the sky. When Willow’s mum takes her daughter to the local museum, Willow gets to know the aviation legend, Amelia Earhart. It soon becomes obvious to her: she wants to become a pilot like Amelia and travel around the world.

Willow inspires children of all ages to dream big, all while whisking them around the globe. Discover some of the most famous places in the world alongside Willow as she takes you high in the sky.

Coming soon These books are good to go in a few weeks time

The meadow by Susan Bagdach

The meadow 100% you, 100% real

An extraordinary children’s’ book with wonderful images about the abundance of life, dealing with exclusion and finding the courage to stand up for yourself. Available in German Only here, but soon in english available.

Hello, my name is Platypus The first story of our new hero

Platty of Plattypüssen is a very courageous platypus, living with his family in a river in Australia…until one day a big storm surprises him. Follow the first adventure of the little guy soon.

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